Pricing + Services


There is a one time non-refundable application fee of $100.00 per child required.


Tuition Due Dates

Tuition is due every Monday upon drop off or pick up of your child at the end of business hours each Monday. (No Exceptions)

late fee/tuition

Late Payment Fee: $75.00 per day payment is not received. Failure to pay by Monday morning of the upcoming week  the child will not be accepted until the outstanding balance is paid. Excessive late payments will result in the child being terminated from the program.

  • Ms. Lisa's Home Daycare does not accept checks

  • Cash Only or Cash App ($shoes50)

Hours of Operation

Ms. Lisa's Home Daycare is open from 6:30 am to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday

Holiday Closings

(Full tuition must be paid)

*New Year's Eve (center will close at 12:00 pm)

*New Year's Day

*Martin Luther King's Birthday

*Presidents Day

*Memorial Day

*Independence Day

*Labor Day

*Columbus Day

*Veterans Day

*Thanksgiving and the day after

*Christmas Eve (center will close at 12:00 pm)

*Christmas Day and the day after

*Independence Day

*Good Friday

*Easter Monday

*Presidents Day


Flat Fee for all age groups $420.00 per week

Potty Training Fee $55.00 per week

Drop In Care

Drop in Rates are $120.00 per child (service for that day)

late arrival

The opening and closing times are Strictly Observed and  Enforced.  A flat fee of $100.00 late charge will be assessed to all parents picking up children after 6:00 PM, (Example 6:01 PM) Failure to pay the late pick up charges or frequent late pickups may result in dismissal from the program. Late pick of fees are due upon pick up of your child and not the following day.

Meals pRovided

A.M. Snack
P.M. Snack